Picking up at the end of his award-winning debut Young Lincoln, Jan Jacobi's Lincoln in Springfield continues the saga of Abraham Lincoln's development, as the young man becomes a young professional and politician. No longer does Lincoln grapple with his upbringing and yearn for freedom to forge his own path, now he is firmly on it--albeit on a borrowed horse and with only tenuous ideas about who exactly it is he wants to become. Follow along, from his time as a fledgling lawyer in Springfield to his first term as a Whig Congressman representing Illinois in Washington, D.C. As he argues cases, builds friendships with allies and rivals alike, marries, and begins his political career, the portrait of the presidential Lincoln will begin to emerge, though not without some stumbles along the way. Though he still doesn't quite know the answer, Lincoln in Springfield--Lincoln on his own for the first time--will begin to discern just what kind of person he is destined to be.